Farmers of India must use improved growing methods and new technologies to increase their yields in response to rising food demand. In this article we are going to discuss some of the technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture. Crop stress detection, disease identification, and monitoring are just a few of the answers provided by the technology for the agricultural business. Hyperspectral imaging will assist fuel the global precision farming market with enhanced technical developments and better use of the technology.
According to the Central Statistics Office, the contribution of agricultural products/agriculture and allied industries in the country’s GDP has decreased from 51.9 percent in 1950–51 to 13.7 percent in 2012–13, according to Minister of State for Agriculture Tariq Anwar. This is a pitiful contribution for a sector that employs about half of the country’s workforce. However, this is primarily due to the farmers’ inability to earn revenue from their crops in order to pay off their mounting debt. We have put together a list of 10 technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture below.
Check out our list of the 10 technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture:
1. Eruvaka Technologies
Eruvaka Technologies is a non-profit organization established in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, whose purpose is to accelerate the use of technology in aquaculture, a field where farmers encounter challenges owing to a lack of suitable equipment to monitor and manage water quality.

To assist farmers in monitoring aquaculture ponds, Eruvaka Technologies creates solar-powered floating buoys that assess several water characteristics such as oxygen levels, temperature, and pH range, all of which are critical for the development and survival of fish and shrimp.
2. Anulek Agrotech
Anulekh was founded by Mumbai-based entrepreneurs with the goal of enhancing soil fertility to increase agricultural production and crop yield while using less resources.

BIOSAT (Biochar based Organic Soil Amendment Technology) is a soil additive that combines biochar with other organic nutrients. The product protects soil fertility, reduces reliance on chemical fertilizers by trapping carbon emissions, maintaining topsoil strength, and increasing crop productivity.
3. CropIn Technology Solutions
It is a Bangalore-based agricultural technology solutions company that provides agro businesses with the technology and skills to produce a smarter and safer food supply for customers all over the world.

CropIn provides data via a cloud-based platform that is paired with an Android app. Smart Farms, as the name implies, allows large food companies to track the growth of crops on farms across the country, including details about the crop and the conditions it is grown in, in order to help companies remotely monitor farms, interact with farmers, and make every crop transparent and traceable.
4. AgroStar
AgroStar allows farmers to order a variety of agricultural items, such as seeds, crop nutrition, crop protection, and agri-hardware products, by simply leaving a missed call on the company’s 1800 number or using their mobile app, avoiding product shortages, duplication, and adulteration.

Agrostar seeks to deliver high-quality agricultural supplies at farmers’ doorsteps.
5. Skymet
Skymet is India’s leading provider of weather monitoring and agri-risk management services. They are specialists in assessing, anticipating, and controlling climate risk to agriculture, according to their website, lowering losses caused by adverse weather.

Skymet’s weather website, which was created to help farmers, provides services such as weather forecasting, crop insurance, and agri-risk management.
6. Barrix Agro Sciences
After extensive research on solutions that enable organic farming to boost crop yield and quality with low expense, the Bangalore-based firm now provides eco-friendly crop protection measures.

Fruit & Fly Lure + Trap for Barrix: Toxic pesticides pollute water, soil, and leave dangerous residue, in addition to being costly. The chemically synthesized smelling chemicals in Barrix’s pheromone-based pest management traps attract and capture bugs. Instead of consuming the crops, the pests are drawn to the trap’s pheromones.
7. Ekgaon
Ekgaon Technologies, a Gujarat-based company founded in 2001, is an IT-based network integrator that provides a technological platform as well as financial, agricultural inputs, and government aid to farmers in rural regions.Which makes it one of the technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture.

The system provides weather, commodities market pricing, soil nutrient management, and crop management information using mobile, speech recognition, interactive voice response system (IVRS), and online technologies.
8. FrontalRain Technologies
The Bangalore-based agri-tech business aims to provide growing enterprises with inexpensive sophisticated technology solutions while also bringing technology to distant areas of the country.

The company’s product “Rain+” is a cloud-based suite of solutions for food and agribusinesses, according to their website. Rain+ can assist businesses at every level of the value chain, including agriculture, processing, transport, wholesale, retail, and exports.
9. Mitra
MITRA (Machines, Information, Technology, and Resources for Agriculture), a Nashik-based firm, intends to promote mechanization on horticultural farms through R&D and high-quality farm equipment. It is one of the best technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture.

Air blast sprayers: Developed for fruits and vegetables in general, and grapes and pomegranates in particular, the sprayers, which are used to inject hormones that aid crop growth, save time and money by reducing human labor.
10. Digital Green
Digital Green is a non-profit international development organization that focuses on teaching farmers in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa how to make and show short videos in which they record their problems, share solutions, and highlight success stories as a form of community engagement to improve the lives of rural communities.

It employs cost-effective, scalable technology-enabled behavior change communication to bring together researchers, development practitioners, and rural communities to generate and disseminate locally relevant information via video.
Some of the technological innovations that are transforming Indian agriculture are mentioned above. According to Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, modernization of the agriculture industry will continue by incorporating new technology to help farmers raise their revenue.
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