TAD NewsDesk, New Delhi: The Supreme Court appointed Committee has notified a dedicated portal which allows even individual farmers to submit views on the contentious legislation. The committee decided to hear at least 20 organizations on the first day of consultations on January 21.
It also said repeal of laws, as demanded by protesting agri unions, was “not on the cards”.
Getting down to work, the panel finalised a roadmap of activities for two months to prepare its recommendations that it will submit to the court. It will soon send invitations to both pro- and anti-farm law groups for their views. State governments will also be consulted. Those unions and associations, which may not be able to be present before it physically because of the pandemic, will be consulted through video conference.
Anil Ghanwat said,
“Repeal of laws is certainly not on the cards. If the laws are repealed, it will be a dead end. No government will then ever try to reform the farm sector in India in the next 50 years.”
Mr Ghanwat is a member among the other three panelists and he emphasised that the committee will work impartially.
The farm unions who are firm on their decision to repeal the laws are willing to continue participating in the discussion with the government. But they have completely denied to take any part or even present themselves before the panel as they have not accepted the decision of the Supreme Court.
Their tenth round of talks with the government will be held on Wednesday.
Mr Ghanwat added that the committee is looking forward to suggestions by the farmers because they want to give an unanimous decision which would be unbiased.
Alongside, the Committee would also hold discussions with state governments, state marketing boards and other stakeholders such as Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) and cooperatives to understand the complete picture.
Source: Times of India