When you grow healthy plants, they require specific amounts of sunlight to thrive. If you have a green thumb and garden regularly, you’re probably familiar with this concept. Plants that don’t get enough sunlight start to look sickly and often display blue-green coloration.
They may even reach for the bottle rather than accept their new reality. But what does this have to do with photosynthesis?
The article you are about to read may not seem relevant to your everyday tasks as a home gardener, but trust us when we say it will make all the difference as soon as you realize the benefits of increasing photosynthesis in your plants by using artificial lighting instead of natural sunlight.
What is Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis occurs when a plant absorbs sunlight and uses the energy from this light to produce energy-containing molecules inside its cells. This process is called photosynthesis because the movement of electrons from a molecule containing positive electricity (red) to a molecule containing negative electricity (blue) creates the energy necessary for life.
Plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide, which gives plants their food. In the process, oxygen is released for us to breathe. Plants can also use molecules from the atmosphere such as sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide in photosynthesis to produce complex carbohydrates, such as sugars and starches, from carbon dioxide water.
This ability to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into stored energy and plant matter (carbohydrates) is called photosynthesis.

Why Increase Photosynthesis in Plants?
If you’re like most gardeners, you grow a few plants and then get busy with your life and stop thinking about your plants until the next spring. The truth is, plants don’t just wait for you to care for them, they need sunlight and water to survive.
Unfortunately, many people fail to provide these essential elements to their indoor plants. If your plants don’t receive enough sunlight, they won’t grow properly, and they may even die. If your plants don’t receive enough water, they will wither and die as well.
If your indoor plants don’t get enough sunlight, they’ll look a little sickly and blue-green in color. If you want to improve their appearance and encourage them to grow, you can use artificial light to increase photosynthesis in your plants.
How to Increase Photosynthesis in Plants?
If you want to increase your indoor plants, you’ll need to provide them with artificial lighting. Natural sunlight is too weak and too infrequent for your indoor plants, even those with the hardiest constitutions. Artificial lighting is, therefore, ideal for increasing photosynthesis in plants.
For best results, you’ll need to invest in some new grow lights. For example, you can use fluorescent lights to boost plants. Fluorescent lights don’t emit any ultraviolet light, so they aren’t effective for growing lichens or other types of fungi.
Benefits of Increased Photosynthesis
- You’ll Grow More Plants
- You probably don’t have much space for growing plants in your home or office, but artificial lighting can increase photosynthesis in plants and make it possible for you to grow multiple plants at once.
- You’ll Save Money on Electricity Bills – If you use natural sunlight, you’ll eventually have to purchase a new solar panel or a solar energy generator. Artificial lighting doesn’t require any of these things.
- Your Plants Won’t Burn Out
- Even the most stubborn plants need a proper amount of sunlight to grow properly. Artificial lighting, on the other hand, can boost photosynthesis in plants and increase their growth rates.

Limitations of Light-Based Increase Photosynthesis
When you boost your indoor plants with artificial lighting, you may notice that their leaves turn a bit blue-green. This is okay and doesn’t necessarily indicate a deficiency in light. It’s an optical illusion created by the way light reflects from the leaves.
Blue-green coloration is harmless, and it doesn’t indicate a lack of sunlight or water. It’s just the way leaves reflect light when they’re illuminated by artificial light. To keep your indoor plants healthy and happy, boost photosynthesis with artificial lighting only.
Natural sunlight is too weak and too infrequent for indoor plants, even those with the hardiest constitutions.
If you want to improve the appearance of your indoor plants and encourage them to grow, boost photosynthesis with artificial lighting. Natural sunlight is too weak and too infrequent for indoor plants, even those with the hardiest constitutions. Artificial lighting is ideal for increasing photosynthesis in plants.
While this may seem like a hassle, doing it is worth it! You’ll grow more plants, save money on electricity bills, and your plants won’t burn out while they’re benefitting from boosted photosynthesis.