TAD NewsDesk, New Delhi: The ongoing pandemic since March 2020 has also affected the tea production in the country. The extended lockdown being one of the key factors leading to the loss of the industry.
Tea is the second most consumed beverage after water in the world. India also is a massive consumer as well as producer of the same.
In the financial year 2018, Indian tea industry reported the highest output and exports ever. Total tea production amounted to 1325.05 million kgs – a rise in 2016-2017 of 74.56 million kgs. The rise is about 6 percent in percentage terms.
2020 has seen the production fall for tea after a long time. The country has a record of producing more output than the previous year.
The ‘Global Tea Digest’ Compiler, Rajesh Gupta, confirmed that from Jan-Oct 2019 to October 20 there has been a huge decrease (of about 151.6 mkg) in the final production of tea as per the official data released by the Tea Board. This meant a significant lack of 151.60 mkg or 12.80 per cent – a shortage that would usually be less harvestable over the two winter seasons of November and December.
He added that besides the lockdown, the unfavourable weather has been one reason for having less output.
Assam remains to top the production table though with a dip in production of up to 108,57 kg at 514,54 mkg. Moreover, the North part of the country has seen a decline while the South has seen a minimal rise.
Hence, Pandemic has affected the production of one of the most significant beverages in the country and it is a concerning aspect for the economy.
Source: Krishi Jagran