They presented the groundbreaking Portable Drip Kit — a comprehensive all-in-one irrigation system that is simple to install and economical On August 18, 2021. The company hopes to irrigate 10,000 hectares of land with drip irrigation and reach 25,000 farmers across India in the coming year by launching the portable drip kit.
The Portable Drip Kit is accessible through Netafim’s dealer network throughout India. It’s suitable for a wide range of Rabi and Kharif crop kinds, including vegetables, cucurbits, and close-spaced crops, among others.
The kit with numerous Netafim systems under one canopy addresses the diverse operational and environmental needs of today’s farmers, providing user-friendly, lightweight, and transportable solutions to satisfy their individual requirements.

All of the products and parts may be readily installed and disassembled after use to store in a convenient storage area, and are designed for irrigation of 4500 m2 fields.
In addition, the kit includes innovative, long-lasting drippers that deliver great operational results. In addition, the kit includes innovative, long-lasting drippers that deliver great operational results.
FlexNet, a ground-breaking leak-proof flexible mainline and manifold pipe technology that enables accurate water distribution, enhances water savings, and improves crop performance potential through increased system performance, is a crucial component of the package.
It eliminates weeding and muddy patches thanks to a tight seal between the unique outlets and the pipe, ensuring optimum performance for many years. It provides a comprehensive range of lateral connectors that are compatible with all Netafim systems.

Thermal resistance is provided by the white coloration, which can also endure extreme chemical and UV exposure.
“Netafim India focuses on simplifying the cultivation process for our gives farmers and enabling them on the path of development,” said Mr. Randhir Chauhan, the Managing Director of Netafim India. We understand that most Indian farmers only keep 1 acre of land. Crop cultivation becomes a frightening and difficult chore for them in such conditions.

Netafim’s continuous commitment to deliver convenient technology, especially to marginal farmers, for better yield potential and productivity while decreasing costs, labor, and bringing efficiency to water use has resulted in the launch of Portable Drip Kit.” The screen filter, FlexNet pipe, dripline, and connectors are all included in the portable drip kit for field installation and operation.
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